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    • متولد: 1360/11/13
    • محل سکونت: اهواز
    • تحصيلات: مهندس آبياري
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    • بازدیـد کــل: 17235643
    از تاريخ: 13 بهمن 1385

عجب یاهویی...!
پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1386 - 8:42:44 بعد از ظهر

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    Christie's expanded its Handbags & Accessories division to North America for the first time in 2014, and now the storied auction house is taking its presence in New York one step further. On December 11, Christie's will hold its inaugural New York live Handbags & Accessories auction at 20 Rockefeller Plaza; as you might have guessed, the handbags on offer will be as exceptional as the occasion.

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    If you're more in the mood to add an everyday staple to your collection, the auction also includes a beautiful assortment of leather day bags with estimated sale prices as low as $1,000. If you're in New York, you can see the bags on display December 4 through 10 at Christie's Rockefeller Center Galleries, ahead of the live auction on December 11.
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    If you’re looking to give a very hard-to-find gift this holiday season or finally add a sought-after bag to your own collection, you’ve got one more big chance before Christmas. Today at 11 a.m. Eastern, Mansur Gavriel will update its website with its full product line, and you can snag one if you act quickly. (I know people who have managed to do it! It can be done!)
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    For those of you who have never participated in the Mansur Gavriel Hunger Games, here’s how it’s worked in the past: at 11 a.m., the brand’s website will come back online with a full-line restock. Shoppers are limited to one bag per person in order to fend off resellers who are trying to buy in bulk and flip the bags on eBay, so it’s best to have something in mind before you shop. This restock will be of the Fall 2015 collection, as far as I know, so there shouldn’t be too many wild cards.
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    If you're not familiar with Pantone, the company is the steward of a color-matching system used primarily in the printing industry, which helps standardize shades across media and create consistent printed results, cataloging thousands of shades along the way. Every year, Pantone predicts which shade will be the trendiest over the next 12 months, and 2016's the first time the company has chosen two.
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